HIMOINSA generator sets for integration with photovoltaic systems

Hybrid solutions allow companies to reduce their fuel costs and their OPEX and to take advantage of solar resources in areas with high levels of solar irradiation.

Integrated energy generation systems that combine generator sets and photovoltaic plants guarantee considerable savings in fuel, not to mention a constant supply of power, primarily in industrial areas and in rural communities in remote regions that lack a proper grid infrastructure. Projects of this type are also ideal for reducing costs in zones that are not isolated but where it is cheaper to receive energy from a generator set than to connect to the grid. 

HIMOINSA manufactures diesel and gas generator sets designed to be integrated with photovoltaic systems and batteries in order to significantly reduce fuel consumption, operating costs (OPEX) and CO2 emissions, and to ensure that solar resources are effectively harnessed in places with a high degree of solar irradiation. 

The cost of photovoltaic systems has fallen in recent years, making it possible to generate energy at a much more competitive price. In regions with a high level of solar irradiation and where energy is expensive, photovoltaic plants can pay for themselves in less than four years.

The generators are guaranteed to run at a minimum level during peak sun hours, thereby extending the useful life of the engine, which in turn translates into a significant reduction of the OPEX. 

Combining both sources of energy guarantees stability against irradiance variation, allowing approximately 30% of the energy to be obtained from the photovoltaic systems and 70% from the generator sets.

Hybrid projects may include a battery bank. “This refers to a power storage unit that supplies the necessary power whenever the photovoltaic generation wanes; it guarantees that you make the very most of the available solar resources”, comments Massimo Brotto, Business Development Manager at HIMOINSA.

HIMOINSA works with engineering companies that specialise in integrating photovoltaic systems into diesel networks, in order to guarantee the greatest possible optimisation of these energy resources depending on the geographical area in which each project is being undertaken.

Hybrid systems involving generator sets, photovoltaic systems and batteries come with an in-built monitoring system that detects which is the best source of energy at any given time of day. 

As far as hybridisation with gas generator sets is concerned, when is that of most interest? 

Although it is more expensive to buy a gas generator set than a diesel one, hybridisation involving a photovoltaic system and gas generators is 100% competitive in projects in which the units have to run for more than 1,000 hours per year. At this level, “once four years have gone by since the project began; the company is guaranteed the return of its investment. Propane costs less than diesel; CO2 emissions are reduced by 15% and NOx emissions and particles in suspension by up to 95%” says Manuel Aguilera, HIMOINSA's Gas Product Manager.  Another aspect to bear in mind is that, in isolated zones where projects of this nature are of greater interest, fuel may often be stolen. Generating energy through LPG and Natural Gas is clearly a much more interesting option than diesel.


The company has attended the 18th edition of the Africa Energy Forum held in London, which brought together leading companies and Energy ministers from African countries. In this context, HIMOINSA stressed the importance of contributing to sustainable growth in Africa, where power generation through photovoltaic systems has experienced significant growth.

“In the last five years the cost of power generation through photovoltaic systems has fallen by 51% and it is expected that by 2020 this figure will rise to 60%”, says Guillermo Elum, Sales and Marketing Director for HIMOINSA. He goes on to say that projects with solar power generation systems require generator sets to cover energy demand when solar radiation is scarce.

Keith Webb, General Manager for HIMOINSA Middle East, during the AEF, taking part in the panel discussion ‘Captive Power and Industry Off-takers'.

HIMOINSA held a press conference during the AEF to announce the opening of a new subsidiary in South Africa.